If you’re into technology, you know many of its benefits. Often technology focuses on people’s needs or indoor activities, but we don’t always think about outdoor fun and tech at the same time. Here are 3 fun ways to use technology and get outside. Cameras...
There’s a reason why people get a therapy dog, they relieve stress. Whether you are touching, petting, hugging, or even looking at a dog, you can feel calmer. This doesn’t just include dogs, it can be cats, hamsters, even snakes! Pets can ease loneliness. The...
After a few weeks into a new year, achieving goals and working toward resolutions are more than likely in full effect. Some people are doing great and have stayed on track, others have given up entirely, and some are trying to stay in the game but are struggling. Do...
Unfortunately, people tend to be clueless when it comes to social media manners. In some cases, people don’t care that their actions may be considered inappropriate, but for the most part, when a person commits a social media faux pas it’s because they really didn’t...
The Pandemic has really hit businesses hard, particularly small businesses. This time of year is so crucial for many as it is the major time of year that people are purchasing items specifically for holidays. Small businesses don’t have the luxury of a large...
Working from home has added many elements that employees have had to adjust to since the beginning of the pandemic. While some have had experience with WFH many others had to scramble to adjust to their new work environment. The interesting part about it all is that...