Getting a job is one of most important rite of passages for a young adult. It is also the first step in living a self-sufficient and independent life. Since this achievement is such a momentous occasion, arriving on the first day can be a little scary, especially...
“New year, new you” is a catchphrase many people adopt at the beginning of the year. The first day of January seems like the perfect time to start fresh, a chance to “get things right.” Unfortunately, research shows that less than half of those who make...
There’s little doubt that it’s difficult to be a female entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is hard enough regardless of gender, but women have to navigate a culture that’s highly masculine and often skeptical of their ability to succeed. The fact is...
Finding success as an entrepreneur means juggling the practical necessities of the present alongside the demands of the future. A business that doesn’t grow is doomed to stagnation, and few business owners want to be doing the same thing they’re doing now...
Starting and sustaining a business has never been more difficult. Countless companies start and fail within a relatively short amount of time, often because people simply aren’t prepared to run an entire business. When you really want to be successful, the key is to...