What Gratitude In The Workplace Actually Looks Like

What Gratitude In The Workplace Actually Looks Like

#gratitude has been trending lately, and while it can be easy to write off as another yoga practice, protein powder, or sage-ing of your house (not that those things aren’t helpful for you and your mindset), there is so much more to gratitude and positivity,...
How to Get Your Next Mentor

How to Get Your Next Mentor

Often times going to work means just that: going in, getting the job done, and then leaving to do it all again the next day. But what if you have the desire to grow? What if you want to get to the next step? Become a leader? Or maybe, make the best French Toast ever?...
The Do’s & Don’ts Of Interviewing According To A CEO

The Do’s & Don’ts Of Interviewing According To A CEO

Most of us have heard the typical Do’s and Don’ts of interviewing. Dressing the part, showing up on time, and having a well put together resume, are standard issue interview requirements. Yet, it seems that as many interviews as people do, there still seems to be some...
Mastering The Art of Delegating

Mastering The Art of Delegating

A great leader doesn’t have to do everything. Go back and read that again. You can read it again if you need to, but don’t keep going until you really get the fact that as the leader, it is not your responsibility to do everything in the workplace....
4 Key Benefits Of Utilizing A Mentor

4 Key Benefits Of Utilizing A Mentor

As some of the greatest entrepreneurs of the last 50 years have shown, a good mentorship is often an important factor in the development of a winning career. Indeed, the rewards of seeking out a good mentor can be a truly life-changing experience. Here are just a few...
3 Issues Facing Women In The Tech Industry

3 Issues Facing Women In The Tech Industry

As technology penetrates in virtually every industry, the role and contribution of women are slightly falling below par. Of all the strides that have been made in the tech industry as relates to the workplace sector, women contribute only 20% of the workforce that is...