5 Ways to Stop Employees from Wasting Their Time

5 Ways to Stop Employees from Wasting Their Time

Businesses need to monitor the performance of their employees. After all, the average employee now slacks off for about five hours every week, while on the clock. More time gets wasted because employees often lack the tools, knowledge, skills, or directions needed to...
3 Entrepreneurial Skills We Should Be Teaching Children

3 Entrepreneurial Skills We Should Be Teaching Children

Widely-available, high-quality public schooling is one of the many hallmarks of a successful country. Without public schools, literacy rates would plummet, countries’ gross domestic product would drop, and life would generally be harder for everyone. When each...
4 Ways To Maintain A Startup Culture At Your Company

4 Ways To Maintain A Startup Culture At Your Company

Part of what makes a startup so exciting is the idea that an entrepreneur can do something new and like no one has ever done it previously. This mindset often leads to a specific type of work culture never before seen in business. Some would even argue that this...
6 Ways to Keep Your Performance Up After a Promotion

6 Ways to Keep Your Performance Up After a Promotion

You may think that the work is over once you get your promotion, but the truth is that there’s still plenty to do and it’s important to keep your performance up. You’ll need to prove to people that you deserve the promotion and are up to fulfilling your new role. It’s...
4 Tips for Getting Your Manager to Listen to You

4 Tips for Getting Your Manager to Listen to You

No matter what industry you work in, you’re probably going to come across a manager or supervisor who will not listen to you. Whether you’re trying to offer feedback, have great ideas to implement, or simply want their input on something, it can be frustrating when...
Why We Must Make Time for Strategic Thinking

Why We Must Make Time for Strategic Thinking

Most people understand the importance of strategic thinking, but few people make time for it on a consistent basis. Whether it’s in your personal or professional life, strategic thinking has many advantages long-term even though it can take some time to develop...