Today’s tech-filled world has paved the way to, hopefully, make everyone’s life easier. This is certainly true for new parents, and with a screaming newborn at 2:15 am, new parents need all the help they can get. Here are a few technologically advanced devices that every new parent needs. 

Baby Monitor

Baby monitors have been around for a while, but the newest tech has HD viewing options not only to notify you when your little one stirs but to see them in all of their adorable glory, or if they had a major blow out. Some devices have a better WiFi signal than others, and some have night vision so you don’t have to ask Alexa to turn on the light. There are many options out there, so get one that aligns with your budget. 


Thankfully, this particular item has come a long way from the days of mercury in a stick of glass. Thermometers will be needed past the infant stage so it’s something you will have for a long time. You can opt for the digital oral thermometer, but now you have options that read your baby’s temperature through their ear, or across their forehead, or even just pointing in their direction! Just make sure you read the directions so you’ll get an accurate read. Talk to your pediatrician for the best type or brand they recommend. 

Breast Pump

Some people will end up exclusively pumping and some won’t, either way, if you are breastfeeding, a good breast pump is essential. There are many tried and true brands that women swear by, but a top of the line breast pump will be your best bet. You want something that is going to last and that is durable. There are some new designs that you can use discreetly like this wearable pump. But, if you need power, opt for a hospital grade pump that will go the distance. 

Bottle Warmer

Who doesn’t like a little warmed up milk? Whether they get breast milk or formula, you will need a bottle warmer for your baby. Microwaves aren’t the safest when it comes to heating up your bottles so bottle warmers help you reach the desired temp safely. There are different ones out there and you’ll need one for at home and on the go

In this day and age of technology, there are many devices to help you get through the early stages of parenthood. From baby monitors to bottle warmers there is a gadget for you. Many items are great to put on your registry but if you keep it simple, you won’t feel so overwhelmed. 

Photo by Minnie Zhou on Unsplash