Some people are good at making decisions while others struggle. However, no matter what your career is or where your life is at, decisions are a major part of life From large to smaller ones, we are all constantly making decisions and it can seem overwhelming. The good news is that anyone can learn to make better ones and make them more efficiently. Here are some tips that anyone can learn to get better at making decisions.
Identify risks
Every day, people make small choices such as going over the speed limit on the way to work and having fast food for lunch. These have become familiar routines, and they seem safe because they don’t garner immediate consequences. In reality, better choices exist for many things we do automatically. Start thinking about the daily routine and see if you can make better decisions. With any decision, consider the pros and cons, but give yourself a time limit so you do not spend too much time worrying over what could go wrong.
Label emotions
Many adults have been taught to ignore emotional states. That’s why it’s important to examine feelings daily and to identify them with the proper terms: angry, anxious, disappointment, embarrassment, happy, sad, etc. Keeping a journal works well for this purpose, but only spend about 10 minutes on this exercise. That way, feelings are handled in a healthy manner without interfering with daily life. Finding a healthy outlet for your feelings helps keeps emotion out of decision making.
Reflect on mistakes
Review decisions that were made at the end of each day. If they didn’t turn out desirably, evaluate what went wrong and look for any lessons. However, don’t dwell on blunders for too long to avoid an undesirable effect on mental health. Then, when you move forward to make decisions, you’ll know where you went wrong before and have a better understanding of how to avoid making mistakes.
Acknowledge mental shortcuts
In order to save time, everyone’s mind uses mental shortcuts to aid with decision-making. If you surround yourself with negativity, you’re going to be more likely to associate possible outcomes with undesirable consequences. If you focus on more positive information, you’ll be more likely to view and outcome optimistically and find it easier to make a quick decision.
Sleep on it
While some decisions take little effort, others require more thought. For example, when faced with the prospects of career or housing changes, take more time to evaluate what to do. Assess the importance of choices and weigh the risks and rewards accordingly. Bigger decisions benefit from putting the issue out of your mind and letting the subconscious awareness work on them. You’ll wake up the next day with a refreshed perspective.
Create positive inner dialogue
When faced with an important decision, imagine that you’re talking to a trusted friend about it. Instead of facing negative inner feedback, you’re more likely to receive kinder comments. It will create emotional distance between you and the problem and lead to a more objective assessment.