Being promoted to a managerial level in the workplace is one of the most exciting opportunities for any worker. Adjusting into the role of a manager, however, is a tricky endeavor that should be approached with caution. Making a successful transition after promotion requires one to make five gradual but courageous steps.

Shifting Focus To Teamwork

The first major area of strategic realignment that every manager should focus on is making a shift from individual effort to teamwork effort. The new manager will be required to set priorities for the entire organization’s team. This takes strategic planning to an entirely new level and requires expertise in team management.

As a new manager, one may even think of investing some time to create platforms for bonding with the employees. This serves as an opportunity to create a suitable working environment of friendship and coordination.

Delegation of Responsibilities

Every manager should be more of a leader than an actual worker. Becoming competent in the delegation of responsibilities is a crucial attribute that every worker adjusting to the role of a manager should possess. Delegation of responsibilities should be strategically done in line with the individual employees’ competencies and skills.

Resource Management

Serving the managerial role in an organization puts one at a position of managing the organization’s key resources, including space, time, and capital. Competency in organizational resource management ensures perfect allocation for optimal organizational performance. To start with, the new manager must be good in time management and strategic planning for boosted organizational performance.

Becoming More Customer-Centric

Customers are the first line of evaluation of the new manager’s competency. Focusing more on ensuring customer satisfaction through organizational best practices facilitates the success of the company on multiple other fronts. For example, handling customers well and providing them with the best value put the company at the position of making more sales.

Benefiting From Succession Planning

The transition from an employee to a manager should be cemented and reinforced by the existing succession plan. To say the least, the outgoing manager should provide the incoming one with valuable tips on how to succeed in the new position. The handing over should be comprised of standard practices, such as a walk-through of the office of the manager.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash.