The Basic Tech Gadgets New Parents Need

The Basic Tech Gadgets New Parents Need

Today’s tech-filled world has paved the way to, hopefully, make everyone’s life easier. This is certainly true for new parents, and with a screaming newborn at 2:15 am, new parents need all the help they can get. Here are a few technologically advanced devices that...
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Traveling For Work

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint When Traveling For Work

As with any business, there is a portion of work that may require you to travel. Conventions, sales meetings, or seeing clients are all essential to your bottom line. You have to get to these destinations somehow and unfortunately, traveling uses fossil fuels and...
Why Should You Do A Visual Podcast?

Why Should You Do A Visual Podcast?

Most of the time we think of podcasting as an audio experience. Stories come alive from the voices of our favorite hosts, while others inject a commentary that makes us laugh until we cry. So why should anyone want to produce a visual podcast? Here are a few reasons...
Let Tech Help You With Your Goals This Year

Let Tech Help You With Your Goals This Year

Why is a new year such a great time to pursue goals? Because it marks a beginning; a good place to start over, and a good time to refresh. Goals and intentions need to start somewhere and even if you are suffering from a hangover on January 1st, it’s always a good...
5 Ways To Encourage Team Work

5 Ways To Encourage Team Work

Employees who are constantly at odds tend to add tension to the workplace environment. This tension often distracts other members of the team from doing their individual jobs. It’s very hard for other team members to focus when they feel uneasy. Trust is a...